reconnect through Horses

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: Therapy with horses

  • Therapy

    Talk therapy - but outdoors and in the presence of horses! There is no horseback riding involved in equine-assisted psychotherapy. Horse knowledge is not required either - but closed-toe shoes are mandatory.

  • Regulate

    Being around horses can be a very calming, co-regulating experience for our mind and body. Learn to let go of worry thoughts in their presence.

  • Observe

    Horses have a lot to teach us about body language, boundaries, fight/flight, and communication. They effortlessly pick up on our emotions and mirror them back to us.

  • Connect

    Reconnect to your mind and body through horses. Observe how they cope with trauma, pain, and other experiences. What can you learn about yourself through horses and their resilience?

It all started with Sunshine

Sunshine is a strong yet incredibly sensitive horse. She easily picks up on the mood of those around her and communicates her experiences openly, which make her an excellent therapy co-facilitator. Did you know that horses can hear your heart beat from 4 feet away?

Sunshine experiences chronic pain, which is currently managed through acupuncture, osteopathy, and craniosacral therapy, and her wellbeing is monitored by our vet. With a lot of practice, we have learned targeted release techniques to help manage her tension and discomfort. She’ll teach you and show off her big yawns. Sunshine definitely loves people and soaks up all the attention.


Sometimes, big horses can be intimidating! Thankfully, the only big thing about Polkadot, the mini donkey, is her ears - and maybe her belly. She is very friendly and will rest her head on your shoulder during a session. She’s excited to meet you!